Julie Blacklow
Episode 54: Fearless Journalist Julie Blacklow on The Storytellers, 9/5/22
Julie Blacklow is an Emmy award-winning journalist with more than 40 years in the television news business. Among the first generation of women in TV news in the United States, she encountered the entire spectrum of humanity from movie stars to murderers and everyday folks overcoming amazing challenges. Born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area, Blacklow migrated to Seattle in her early 20's, married to a man who wanted to escape his Jewish mother. Hers is a life writ large, a roller-coaster ride with a remarkable number of wonderful highs and terrifying lows. At the age of 60, she gradually left television and began managing a horse ranch, a dramatic change of careers where she learned animals are often far more sane than humans. She's owned 5 dogs, 4 cats, one horse, and a wonderful son, Jeremy. Her friends describe her as tenacious, decisive, bossy, opinionated, loving, loyal, and brave. Now 75 years old, she has started painting again...something she hadn't done in 50 years, started a podcast, published her first book, "Fearless: Diary of a Badass Reporter," and is starting to write her second book which she describes as a 'non-fiction novel.'
Find out more about Julie here: https://julieblacklow.com/